One of my favorite training curricula that I’ve ever had the privilege of teaching is titled “Inspiring & Managing Your Board for Fundraising Success.” In that curriculum, there are nine keys to accomplishing what the title promises its participants. One of those nine keys is celebration & recognition, and it is the inspiration for today’s DonorDreams blog post.
As most of you know, I’ve spent the last 30 days working hard at hosting the Nonprofit Blog Carnival (which officially went live yesterday). Click here to see the carnival and all of its participants . . . you don’t want to miss this month’s carnival.
During the month of May, a few major milestones were achieved at DonorDreams.
- We surpassed 34,000 all-time page views.
- We achieved more than 1,000 all-time comments.
- We eclipsed the 500 post mark (Phew, that’s a lot of content).
- We hit an time high in daily visitors and page views during the last month.
I ask for your forgiveness as I take a moment to celebrate.
I know that for some of the big time bloggers out there, these might seem like small things to celebrate. However, DonorDreams blog has only been around for two years, and I am a staunch believer in celebrating the small victories along with the big ones.
Ahhhhhh, that victory lap certainly was sweet. Thanks for indulging me.
Now, let me take a moment to recognize those people who made it possible to celebrate.
That’s right. None of this would’ve been possible if not for you and all of the other DonorDreams blog subscribers, social media followers, readers and guest bloggers.
From the bottom of my heart, thank you very much for tuning in and reading this blog. Thank you for your comments. Thank you for your subscriptions. Thank you for your LIKES and RETWEETS.
This victory lap isn’t mine. It is OURS.
OK . . . I’m done (until the next milestone is eclipsed). 😉
With all of that being said, I would be remiss if I didn’t end this post with a thought provoking question:
“What do you do at your agency to celebrate and recognize achievement of milestones, goals, and successes with your board volunteers? Do you have any good examples that you are willing to share with your fellow non-profit professionals?”
Please mull this over for a moment and take a second out of your busy day to share your response in the comment box below.
Here’s to your health!
Erik Anderson
Founder & President, The Healthy Non-Profit LLC!/eanderson847
Good for you Erik! It is well deserved recognition of consistently excellent content.
Sent from my iPhone. Please excuse typos.
Thanks, Dani!
I only bumped into Donor Dream blog yesterday via a Linked In Non-Profit group. So far, I am rather impressed and can use this valuable information in a Non-Profit here in the Orlando, FL area in the future. Thanks.. Tom
Tom . . . thanks for the kind words. I hope you find the content useful. I also hope to see you periodically comment and participate in our little online community. Welcome aboard!