In the corner of my basement, there is a small mountain of boxes from my last place of residence. It is stuff that was deemed unimportant at the time of unpacking, but important enough (for whatever reason) not to throw away. Of course, almost seven years later none of those boxes have been touched, which begs the question: “Can any of it be important and can we trash it?”
I opened my first box last night and found a treasure trove of training materials from when I worked for the Boy Scouts as a District Executiv in the 1990s. Yes, I did have the internal fortitude to put all of it in the recycling bin this morning. However, I decided that the readers of this blog might find some of it helpful and useful.
Throughout the week, I will periodically post some of the wisdom from those training documents here on DonorDreams. Hopefully, you will find some value in it.
Today, I will share with you the contents of a laminated card that measures two inches wide by three inches tall. The title on this card reads: “Elements of a Successful FOS Campaign.”
FOS is an acronym that stands for “Friends of Scouting,” which is an annual campaign pledge drive that every district executive runs in the beginning of the calendar year.
This laminated card contained the following eight pieces of advice for running a successful annual campaign:
- Follow the plan.
- Recruit the “right” volunteer.
- Conduct effective prospect and evaluation meetings.
- Conduct quality kickoff meetings.
- Schedule report meetings.
- Hold a first-class victory celebration.
- Follow up in a timely manner.
- Follow the plan.
Succinct. To the point. Right on target.
Does your agency run an annual campaign pledge drive? If so, what is missing from this 2×3 laminated card? Anything? What advice would you add? Or did the scouts hit the nail on the head? (And isn’t it amazing how much you can capture in such a small space when you put your mind to it?)
Here’s to your health!
Erik Anderson
Founder & President, The Healthy Non-Profit LLC